Protected area


The three protected sites streches throughout Alba and Hunedoara counties, on the borders of river Mures, between the urban localities Alba Iulia (Alba county) and Simeria (Hunedoara county). They are relevant for:

  • Bird protection area ROSPA0139 Piemontul Munților Metaliferi – Vințu (8.369 ha)
  • Community protection area ROSCI0419 Mureșul Mijlociu – Cugir (356 ha) on the banks of Mureș and Cugir rivers
  • Natural geologic preserved area 2.519 Măgura Uroiului ( 24 ha)

Conservation common interests

bird species and their habitats in ROSPA0139

forest in the meadows region

mammal species and 8 fish species in ROSCI0419

geological area, Măgura Uroiului

ROSPA0139 Piemontul Munților Metaliferi – Vințu

2.519 Măgura Uroiului

ROSCI0419 Mureșul Mijlociu – Cugir