Press release 17.11.2017
Launching conference – Project SMIS code 102769 called “Working out the Management Plan for Natura 2000 sites ROSPA0139 Piemontul Munților Metaliferi – Vințu, including 2.519 Măgura Uroiului and ROSCI0419 Mureșul Mijlociu – Cugir”
Lauching the proiect
EPMC Consulting, the beneficiary of the project Working out the Management Plan for Natura 2000 sites ROSPA0139 Piemontul Munților Metaliferi – Vințu, including 2.519 Măgura Uroiului and ROSCI0419 Mureșul Mijlociu – Cugir announces the Launching Conference in Simeria, Hunedoara county, on November, 20 2017.
The venue
The event takes place at 10.00 am, in the Grand Hall of PARCUL DE AFACERI SIMERIA, 23, Avram Iancu str. Simeria, Hunedoara county.
Total financing value
Total financing value of the project is 6.550.070,36 lei.
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, through the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014-2020 in Romania.
- EU contribution to the project: 4.792.785,41 lei
- National budget cotribution: 845.785,66 lei
Project implementation location
On the protected areas Piemontul Munţilor Metaliferi-Vinţu including 2.519 Măgura Uroiului and ROSCI0419 Mureșul Mijlociu–Cugir. Implementation of the project is developed in the area of Alba Iulia municipality and the rural area of Blandiana, Vințu de Jos, Șibot and Săliștea, Alba county and the rural area of Geoagiu, Hărău, Rapoltu Mare, Simeria and Turdaș, Hunedoara county.
Contact information
EPMC Consulting Cluj-Napoca, str. Fagului no. 11, județul Cluj
Ioana Cămărășan, communication specialist